Deposit & Earning

How do I deposit?

First, ‘Connect’ your wallet. Then click ‘Deposit’, select the asset you want to deposit from the picker menu, input the amount, click next, review your deposit details then click confirm, you will be prompted on your wallet to confirm, wait for confirmation.

What is the minimum and maximum deposit amount?

There are no minimum or maximum deposit limits.

How long do I have to keep my assets deposited in Moola?

Moola Market does not have any time restrictions related to deposits. You can initiate a withdrawal anytime you wish.

How does Moola Market ensure that there will be enough liquidity for me to withdraw?

Moola Market is designed to incentivize liquidity to be available for depositors to withdraw and borrowers to borrow. As the utilization of a market (i.e. the ratio of demand from borrowers relative to the supply from depositors) increases, the interest rate charged to borrowers increases, and the interest rate paid to depositors increases. This relationship between utilization and interest rates means that when available liquidity is low, borrowers are incentivized to pay back their loans, and depositors are incentivized to deposit additional liquidity.

How much will I earn?

Yield compounds each block and accumulates in the form of additional mTokens (e.g. mcUSD). The interest rate earned by depositors is a function of market utilization. As the utilization of a market (i.e. the ratio of demand from borrowers relative to the supply from depositors) increases, the interest rate charged to borrowers increases, and the interest rate paid to depositors increases. As the utilization of a market decreases, the interest rate charged to borrowers decreases, and the yield paid to depositors decreases. Additionally, depositors earn yield from flash loan borrowers who pay a fixed fee of 9bps.

How do I collect the yield I earn on my deposit?

Yield is credited each block to a depositor's wallet in the form of additional mTokens (e.g. mcUSD).

How do I see how much yield I've earned so far?

Your balances can be found in the ‘Account’ tab by connecting your wallet at or by searching your wallet address in Celo Explorer or CeloScan.

Can I deposit an asset without it being used as collateral?

Yes, you can toggle a deposited asset 'off' as collateral by tapping on the account tab, tap the dropdown of the asset, toggle the 'Is Collateral' switch from on (blue) to off (greyed out), and confirm the transaction. If you have borrowed from Moola then you may not be able to turn off 'Is Collateral' if doing so would put your Health Factor at or below 1.

If I do not borrow, can my deposit still be liquidated?

No, if you do not borrow, then your deposited assets are safe from being liquidated.

Last updated